Thursday, July 28, 2016

Final Blog!

I Don't Think We're In Kansas Anymore..
                What a week, what a summer! Starting my blog with a Wizard of Oz quote, so of course I had to end it with one as well! This has been one whirlwind of a summer with so many opportunities and experiences that have proven beneficial for the our special event, The Original Rules of Break Fast! It was a great learning experience, and looking back was a fun night! This event was the fruit of all our labor, and it was great night!
Chicken and Waffles!
                Monday Bri and I spent all day preparing for the event. By the end of the day, I had written around 6 to do lists, and we began preparing our final presentation. We spent a lot of time preparing and figuring out what things we could do, and when. We were very productive as we planned for our event.
                Tuesday was a day full of productivity as well. We made work schedules for our event, we prepared the decorations, and even ended up in the bakery helping Adrianna prepare items for our event. We helped prepare the whole wheat cinnamon rolls, rolled the whole wheat pizza crust, and while Bri helped with decorations, John, Adrianna and I all worked on preparing the peach tart. John truly helped us make sure all the advanced prep was on schedule, and going smoothly! Mason, one of the Hot Foods Cooks, truly helped us through this production. As did all the other cooks! This event truly worked because of how everyone came together and helped us get our project of the ground!
                Wednesday was the big day! I was super stressed, (as per usual) and we had prepared so much the previous days, that we had to play the waiting game to set everything up. Sam, one of the supervisors, was another person who was quintessential to the success of our night. She truly has a vision for decorations, and helped us make sure everywhere was staffed. I don't think enough thank yous will ever be enough to show how grateful I am for all of her help.
                The food was a hit, and we had over 200 guests come! We had a breakfast for dinner event, and people seemed to really like it! Some of the hits were the chicken and waffles, whole wheat pancakes, mixed berry syrup, an apple bacon breakfast pizza on whole wheat curst, and a steak and egg breakfast taco! Our prized dessert was the Peach Tart that Mary helped us create! It was so exciting to see that this recipe was added to the KU Dining recipe repertoire.  Because the food was such a hit, the waffles went like hot cakes, and with an hour left of dinner, we had one pan of waffles left, and not more to prep. We used a frozen waffle, and we had no more left to make! We had to think on our feet, and decided to make waffles with the waffle irons that are put out for breakfast. Mason made the mix, and I jumped in to make the waffles. We kept food on the line, and had enough back up pans to get us through dinner! Other than that, there were no major hiccups throughout the night.
                I can't believe in the  blink of an eye, this internship is over. Eight weeks seems like a long time, but this adventure feels like it lasted all of a week. How did it become the end of July? How did 8 weeks pass so quickly, and how did I get to learn so much in such a short time. I had a truly enriching and inspiring summer, and am excited to see what is too come!


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