Sunday, June 26, 2016

This is Where the Magic Happens! Week 3 at KU!

Basil from the Rooftop Garden that we later used to make Pesto!
   I think it is crazy to think about how going to a catered event, I never realized how much work was put into a one hour event! This week I was fortunate enough to learn and experience the intense work that the kitchen and service staff put into an event to make it the best it can be. I have a new appreciation for the work that is put into events,and am grateful to have had this work experience!
Rooftop Garden 
  As mentioned in previous posts, I thoroughly have enjoyed the time I have spent learning in the Bakery, and that is where we started on Monday. We also worked up on the Rooftop Garden, that Executive Chef Janna Travers runs. There are many herbs and hot peppers growing up there! The primary crop is basil and this is used to make the Rooftop Pesto that graces the menu throughout the year! Bri and I were able to help transplant basil into their pots so that they could grow and soon be harvested. It was so awesome to see the initiative to use house grown vegetation in the products! Bri and I started our time helping prepare dessert orders for the New Student Orientations that occurred last week (there were either 4 or 5, I am not sure of the exact amount!). We helped prepare 12 sheet pans of brownies! (That was 6 dozen eggs we used!) We helped put together other orders as well for the orientation's breakfast, such as muffins, and we helped begin to prepare Rice Krispie Treats. We also met with Executive Chef, Janna Travers, and learned about catering as a whole, how menus are put together, the importance of budgeting, and what happens when everything does not go as planned.This meeting was very informative, and really helped set forth my new perspective on what catering really is. I learned the importance of preparatory work, so that as much as possible that can be done ahead of time is one of the best things one can do for themselves in the world of catering.

  Tuesday was a very intense day! We worked on the Hot Foods Side of the Catering Kitchen, and worked hard to fulfill orders for the orientations throughout the week! This preparation was definitely something that I was not used to! Creating enough food to feed around 500 people! We helped tray up chicken for the event that was occurring that day. and help prepare the food for travel, as the even was held in the ballroom of Union. We learned how food is labeled so the right amount gets to the right area at the right time! We then headed upstairs with Harley and the food to deliver the food for the event. Once the buffet tables were open, servers would come back to the kitchen with empty trays and we were responsible for giving them full trays for the attendees! It was so crazy to see that after the doors were open it took 8 minutes for everyone to make it through the lines and be seated with their plates of food!! I was SHOCKED! We then were given our lunch break after the event, and it was TACO TUESDAY in the Market! I was very excited! We then headed back to the kitchen to help with the prep list for the upcoming events. This meant helping make and tray up 60 pounds of pasta! Try to imagine what that looks like.. I never thought I could, but that was 11 hotel pans full of pasta! It was a lot! Then we were tasked with making quesadillas,  600 to be exact. Yes you read that right! Catering really is an art mixed with science and math in order to make sure enough food is produced in an efficient amount of time,and making sure the food is prepped in advance, but will not spoil before the event.
   Wednesday we met with John Whittington, General Manager of The Underground. We learned how this retail location is run, including how the franchise Chick-fil-a is run on campus. We learned how this operation was run, and how it is done so in a State Building. We then met with Karen Cross, and learned about Micros, the system used to program the swipe cards for meal plans, and how the cash registers are programmed. We ended the day meeting with Kaidee in Human Resources. We learned about the hiring process and learned the dos and don'ts of resumes.
   Thursday, I observed at Impromptu Cafe, and worked with Kim Nixon, the manager. I learned how restaurants are run, and what their methods were for running the establishment. I have never worked in a restaurant establishment before, and it was interesting to see what happens behind the scenes. Friday, it was my turn to work with the Catering Staff in the front of the house, and learn about the service portion. I met with Catering Manager Robert Pierrelee, and learned how he got his start in the world of catering, and how he coordinates all the events that occur throughout the year! He said figuring out the schedules is like a puzzle and that is why he really enjoys what he does.
  Well, it has been a really fun week, and I have learned a lot! I am excited for next week and what is to come!

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