Hello everyone! My name is Courtney Crossgrove and I am a
senior nutrition and dietetics student at the University of New Haven. I have
just completed my first week interning for Campus Dining Services at the lovely
Illinois State University. Everyone here has been nothing but welcoming and
full of knowledge that I’m just trying to soak up like a sponge. While I went
into the path of nutrition and dietetics with completely different goals, I am
now passionate for food service, specifically college and university food
service. That being said, this opportunity has proved to be a wonderful fit and
a great guide for my future.

Dianne Feasley, the Associate Director for Nutrition & Culinary Services, has
been an outstanding mentor and a great person to talk to. Everyone else in the
office and in surrounding locations that embody CDS has all been wonderful to
meet and each teaches me something new. One thing that Dianne emphasized right
off the bat was that each person is important and collaborative efforts make for
the best results. Everyone brings something different to the table and has
their own part in the success that is ISU CDS. Besides meeting and working
alongside the regular staff, I also get to work with one of the dietetic
interns. Justine has proven to be one of the sweetest and most curious people
I’ve ever met and I am so glad that we get to share projects and learn
together. She is a wonderful role model and I will truly miss her after the
next two and a half weeks.

This past week went so quickly, but I also feel that I did
and learned so much. One of the most eye opening things Justine and I did was
look at the building plans for the dining locations. We spent a good hour
turning oversized pages looking at different angles and details of the large
building projects that would be happening soon. After touring the dining
facility I was even more impressed by the vision it takes to plan these large
renovations and additions. We also got to sit in on a meeting with Starbucks,
which will be arriving on campus in the fall. Once again Justine and I were
amazed by the details that Starbucks and those in CDS had to consider.
Throughout the week I listened in numerous meetings as people pointed out
little things or asked questions about details that I wouldn’t even consider
until now.

Justine and I have a major project that will hopefully help
us to think about the little things. We are to write a four-week cycle menu for
the station Fresh Bites. We are looking at previously used recipes and the main
menu to pick a entrée, side, and salad for each day. We will also be making our
own recipes, testing these recipes, and entering these recipes into the
computer system that boggles my mind every time I use it. Justine and I are
super excited about this project and have made great strides on it thus far.
The excitement of the week was truly the Illinois Special
Olympics coming to campus. On Thursday Justine and I joined the Executive Chef
and some catering staff in the cold room as we assembled (assembly line style)
160 lasagnas. It took us four hours including breaks, because staying in the
cold for too long wasn’t exactly anyone’s cup of tea. The next day we helped
out in catering and served the lasagna. There were so many people to serve and
it was wonderful working with the catering staff. We spent two days serving
food, enjoying the excited and friendly athletes, polishing silverware, and
talking to the catering staff.

I’m so thankful for this opportunity and all the people I’ve
met. I’m one week in and already dreading the end seven weeks from now. I never
saw myself in Illinois, but here I am and I certainly love it.
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