For our last three days, our coordinators let us pick 3 rotations during these past two months that we wanted to revisit. We picked Starbucks, Henry’s Diner, and Neilson Dining Hall (to work with Chef Barry). We also wanted to visit UBHC (the behavioral health center) and IFNH (with Peggy) again, but Peggy and Jessica are both out at the NACUFS conference.
Intern Choice #1: Today was the first of our intern choice days. We decided to go to Starbucks and spend the day learning about the art of coffee making. When we arrived at 8am, we worked with the managers, Ronny and Rachel. Ronny taught us how to make some of the drinks such as iced espressos, iced coffees, and different mixed teas. He even taught us how to steam milk properly.
Denisse and I made the famous green and pink drinks! |
When Glenn, the other manager, arrived, he drove us out to visit the Starbucks Truck, which was parked near the Bake Shop. We were so amazed by the Starbucks Truck! Everything was so clean and it was amazing how all the devices in the regular store fit in such a small space.
This is the 5th Starbucks Truck to open in the country! |
Inside of the Starbucks Truck |
When we came back, we did some coffee testing. We tested multiple types of chai, which were made with soy milk since Denisse is lactose intolerant. I actually really liked the use of soymilk since it was sweetened with vanilla, so I enjoyed the slightly sweet and creamy taste of the regular chai. We compared that to the cinnamon chai, which was sweeter than the regular chai. We also tasted the espresso chai, which was good, but I’m still not used to the coffee taste. After another day spent at Starbucks, I can see how it’s challenging to learn all of the different drink codes and steps involved in making different types of drinks. However, it seems like a very fun job and the whole learning process will be very rewarding.
Breakfast at the Diner |
Intern Choice #2: Today, we shadowed Laura, the student manager, and Theresa, one of the kitchen staff at Henry’s Diner. We started the morning by slicing cucumbers and halving cherry tomatoes for the side salads. We also helped tray up some cole slaw that Theresa made. Laura taught us a lot about waitressing and we got to shadow a few of her tables. As a student, she noted that at the end of the day, it was all about getting higher tip. Therefore, when she asked tables what they would like to drink, she would also mention a few options to peak their interest. I thought it was interesting that the drink options that she would list would change depending on the group she was talking to. When the table was filled with high school students or younger kids, she would suggest a milkshake, but when she was assisting older individuals, she would mention the unsweetened iced teas and soda beverages first. I thought it was really cool that after years of waitressing, Laura didn’t even need to write down the orders on a pad, even when the orders were pretty complex.
Intern Choice #3: It’s our final day of the internship! It’s astonishing how quickly these past two months passed by. Today, we spent the day at Neilson Dining Hall with Chef Barry. We chose to work with Chef Barry as our last intern choice because the last time we met with him, the large international conference was happening and it was very hectic in the dining hall. When we left that day, after dicing multiple bags of bell peppers and vegetables in preparation for the large event, Chef Barry noted that he wished he had more spare time to talk to us about his role. Therefore, we decided that it would be a good idea to spend another day in the dining hall to make up for that. When we arrived at 8am, the morning breakfast group was just finishing up, so Chef Barry had us dice some bell peppers and onions for the upcoming lunch. Chef Barry told us about his background and how he opened up a restaurant in New York with a few of his buddies. He said it was successful, but it was also very tedious. The three of them all emphasized how working in a restaurant, while fun, involves a lot of sacrifices. There were many instances in which they had to skip holidays, family parties, and weekends. While we worked in the kitchen, Chef Barry also demonstrated how to use a knife sharpener and the different ways to cut red bell peppers.
Overall, the NACUFS Internship has been so eye-opening and amazing. I’ve learned so much in just these past two months and I never knew that foodservice and management encompassed so many different fields. Our coordinators, Peggy, Kelly, and Sandy, have been extremely helpful and friendly throughout this whole program and it’s been a very memorable summer!
Weekend Adventures: During our two months here in New Jersey, everyone we met has been asking us whether or not we visited the Jersey Shore yet. Since it’s a little far from where we are and would be hassle to commute by train, we would always sadly respond with a “no.” However, now we can proudly say that we have! Kelly and her husband were super gracious and invited us to spend a weekend with them at her house. After our shift on Friday, Denisse and I took the train down to Point Pleasant, where Kelly and her husband warmly welcomed us and picked us up. On Saturday, we drove out to Island Beach State Park, a beautiful and pristine beach. It was really cool because you could drive onto the beach!
You could drive onto the beach! |
Jersey Shore |
Kelly, Denisse and I spent most of our time reading out on the beach, and Kelly’s husband taught me how to fish! I’d never gone fishing before so it was a really cool experience!
First time fishing! |
We didn’t catch anything :(, but Kelly’s husband had bought some fresh scallops and sweet New Jersey corn the day before at the Farmer’s Market. So that night, he cooked up a delicious dinner. The scallops were so juicy and meaty. I had never eaten such large scallops!
Freshly caught scallops for dinner |
On Sunday, Kelly and her husband brought us to the Point Pleasant Pier. We tried raw clams for the first time, and ended the day with some refreshing soft serve. One thing that I discovered on this trip was Italian Ice! I don’t think I’d ever had it before, and I really enjoyed the smooth creamy texture!
Point Pleasant Beach Boardwalk |
What a great way to end our adventures here in New Jersey. :)